A case report is illustrated of a 54-year-old woman with very atrophic alveolar ridge. Computed tomography and three-dimensional study with a software program (SimPlant) were used to evaluate the dimensional changes of bone tissues before and after augumentation procedure. This software was also used to determine the amount of bone needed for the implant site. The incision was made to the alveolar ridge and gingival flap was opened. The bone was perforated and covered with deproteinized bovine granules and collagen membrane After 10 months of waiting, CT scan was obtained and it showed that the alveolar ridge is 3mm thicker and 1mm higher on the places predicted for implantation. Two implants were inserted into newly formed bone. Bovine-derived xenograft and collagen membrane can be used as a successful alternative treatment for ridge augmentation in patients where it is not possible to take autogenous bone tissue.
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