Placement of occlusive barrier membranes in guided tissue regeneration procedures is thought to deprive the wound area from the regenerative capacity of periosteal and gingival mesenchymal stem cells. The current study was performed to determine the effect of perforated collagen membranes in enhancing periodontal tissue regeneration when compared to conventional occlusive barriers. Sixteen critical-sized dehiscence defects (4 × 5 mm) were surgically created in the mandibular canine teeth of eight dogs, bilaterally. Eight defects were managed by β-Tricalcium phosphate (β-TCP) alloplast and modified perforated collagen membrane, the contra lateral defects were managed by β-TCP alloplast and occlusive collagen membrane. Dogs were sacrificed after one and two months. Defect sites were dissected, fixed and processed for histologic examination. Both test and control groups resulted in complete periodontal regeneration including; alveolar bone, cementum and periodontal ligament. However thicker, denser and more organized bone trabeculae with higher maturation rate and significantly higher bone surface area were noted in the perforated membrane group. Hence it was concluded that perforated membranes enhance periodontal regeneration probably by allowing periosteal and gingival mesenchymal stem cells to participate in the regenerative procedure.
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