This study addresses whether bone formation variability of Mesenchymal stem cells (MSCs) is cell-intrinsic or biomaterial-dependent and may be improved using biological bone substitutes with and without collagen. Ectopic bone formation of MSCs from nine donors was tested in immune-deficient mice on biological bone substitutes of bovine and equine origin, containing collagen (bHA-C; eHA-C) or not (bHA; eHA). Synthetic beta-TCP was used for comparison. Histology of 8-week explants demonstrated a significant influence of the bone graft substitute (BGS) on donor variability of ectopic bone formation with best results seen for eHA-C (15/17) and beta-TCP (16/18). Bone was of human origin in all groups according to species-specific in situ hybridization, but MSCs from one donor formed no bone with any bone substitute. According to histomorphometry, most neo-bone was formed on eHA-C with significant differences to bHA, eHA and beta-TCP (p<0.001). Collagen-free biological BGSs were inferior to biological BGSs with collagen (p<0.001), while species-origin was of little influence. In conclusion, BGS composition had a strong influence on ectopic bone formation ability of MSCs, and biological BGSs with a collagen component seem most promising to display the strong osteogenic potential of MSCs.
Acta Biomater
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