In the attempt of improving clinical results and make the use of bone substitutes more convenient, starting in early 2000, we have been using heteroplastic grafts, i.e. with bone tissue from other species, appropriately made antigen free. Specifically, we have used equine bone (Osteoplant), whereas from 1997 to 1999, especially in hip prosthetic surgery, and particularly when filling bone defects in revision surgery, we used homologous bone (dehydrated, gamma ray sterilized Tutoplast). This paper sets out the clinical and radiographic results since the beginning of our experience, comparing the results of the two types of bone grafts used.
We divided the patients into group A (Osteoplant) and B (Tutoplast). For each patient, we performed periodic standard X-rays at 1, 3, 6, 12 months after surgery. In assessing the results, we considered the remodeling time frames of the grafts and the stability of the prosthetic implant, any systemic or local allergic reactions, possible foreign body reactions, post-operative fever spikes and any cases of local or systemic infections.
Use of antigen-free heterologous bone grafts of equine origin (Osteoplant) to fill large bone defects, as is often the case in revision prosthetic surgery, appears to be a relatively cost-effective solution that is very satisfactory from the clinical point of view, as no cases of allergic reactions were reported and the percentage of graft osseointegration and stability of the prosthetic implant are excellent. Furthermore, compared to homologous grafts, the risk of transmission of infectious diseases is virtually non-existent.
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