
Editorial Bioteck
8 February 2024
Maxillary sinus lift with collagen-preserved equine bone granules in partially edentulous patient
Today we bring you an interesting clinical case, in which a partially edentulous patient underwent sinus lift and concomitant ridge augmentation using collagenated equine bone (Osteoxenon®). Schneider’s membrane was protected using a cortical bone sheet (Osteoxenon® Flex Cortical Sheet).
Both biomaterials used are produced by the Zymo-Teck® enzymatic process that preserves collagen in its native form. The cortical bone sheet undergoes an additional process of partial demineralization that makes it flexible after hydration. Both the collagen-preserved granules and the cortical bone sheet are remodeled with patient bone in physiological time.
At 4 months after surgery, implant placement was performed. Subsequent histological examination on the biopsy taken showed rapid and extensive remodeling of Osteoxenon®. In addition, CBCT at 12-year follow-up…