Successful periodontal regeneration is considered a gold standard for periodontists. Several GTR materials and bone grafts have been attempted but showed variable success rates.
The present randomized clinical and radiographic study was undertaken to compare the effectiveness of guided tissue regeneration (GTR) by using equine bioabsorbable collagen membrane with equine bone graft and bovine bioabsorbable collagen membrane with bovine bone graft and in the treatment of periodontal intrabony defects with grade II furcation involvement which are endodontically treated.
Ten systemically healthy patients with 20 periodontal intrabony defects were enrolled as a split mouth design. These defects were affected with grade II furcation involvement which are endodontically treated. The recorded measurements included plaque index, gingival bleeding index, gingival recession, PPD, clinical attachment level, radiographic defect depth and radiographic density. The defects were randomly distributed either as a control group (equine bioabsorbable collagen membrane combined with equine bone graft) or a test group (bovine bioabsorbable collagen membrane combined with bovine bone graft).
At 12-month examination, PPD reduction was significantly greater in equine based GTR + bone graft group (3.80±1.33 mm) compared with bovine based group (2.60±1.57 mm), and clinical attachment level gain were 3.60±1.15 and 2.20±1.26 respectively. Radiographic DD reduction was similarly greater in equine GTR + bone graft group (3.30 ± 0.84 mm) compared with bovine based group (2.40±1.09 mm). Also, the change in the radiographic density indicated a significant greater gain of mean gray level as (19.90 ± 16.00) in group 2 whereas 7.10±10.65 in group 1.
Use of equine GTR bioresorbable membrane with bone graft showed significant improved outcomes when compared to use of bovine bioresorbable membrane with bone graft in treating grade II furcation defects. However, the studied groups showed significant improvement within each group when baseline & 12 month data were compared.
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