Patients with hypoplasia of the midface normally present a flattening of their facial profile due to insufficient development of the nose and maxilla. Treatment aimed to restore function and an aesthetic appearance calls for a Le Fort III osteotomy and the advancement of the midfacial segment either through distraction or interposition of autogenous bone blocks. However, drawbacks in using autogenous bone suggest that use of alternative graft material may be advisable. The present report describes a Le Fort III advancement using two enzymes-treated equine cancellous bone blocks to correct syndromic midfacial hypoplasia in a 22-year-old patient. A 12 mm surgical advancement was achieved, improving the patient’s facial profile. At the 28-month follow-up, the midface advanced position was stable. Equine bone blocks could be a valid alternative to autogenous bone in Le Fort III midface advancement.
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