Insoluble polymeric collagens from various human tissues were prepared by the EDTA method. Almost all of the collagen from simple soft tissues such as dermis, tendon, submucosa, sclera and cornea could be extracted, whereas the more complex tissues such as intercostal cartilage and intervertebral disc yielded only small amounts of collagen. Amino acid and carbohydrate analysis indicated that most of the preparations were highly purified on the basis of their tyrosine, hexosamine, mannose, xylose and fucose contents. 2. Wide variation in the total hexose content was observed, the lowest being 8.5 residues/3000 amino acid residues for collagen from dermis and the highest being 42.1 residues/3000 in corneal collagen. The molar ratios of sugars also varied, submucosal collagen having a galactose/glucose ratio of 1.0 and corneal collagen having a ratio of 2.3. 3. The presence of glucosylgalactosylhydroxylysine was confirmed in submucosal collagen by compositional and chromatographic analysis of this component after its isolation from alkaline hydrolysates of the collagen. Evidence was also obtained for the presence of galactosylhydroxylysine. 4. Determination of the hydroxylysyl glycosides was carried out and it was observed that the amounts of these components varied widely from tissue to tissue. Corneal collagen contained 19.1 hydroxylysine-linked carbohydrate units/3000 amino acid residues, whereas tendon collagen contained only 4.1 units/3000. Variation in the ratio disaccharide unit/monosaccharide unit was also observed, the ratio being 1.2 in intercostal cartilage collagen and 4.1 in submucosal collagen. The proportion of the total hydroxylysine that was substituted by carbohydrate also varied from tissue to tissue.
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