
Editorial Bioteck
31 May 2023
Case report with histological and radiographic evidences of collagen-preserved equine bone remodeling
Today’s clinical case involves the use of equine-derived collagen-preserved granules (Osteoxenon® Cancellous-Cortical Mix granules, Bioteck Spa) in combination with a three-dimensional collagen matrix (Xenomatrix®, Bioteck Spa) in a socket preservation surgery.
While the Osteoxenon® granules have the collagen and mineral component preserved through the unique enzymatic deantigenation process (Zymo-Teck®), the Xenomatrix® collagen matrix provides the ideal substrate for fibroblast adhesion and proliferation, ensuring optimal healing by second intention of soft tissue.
Radiographic and histological evidences showed very well the progressive remodeling of the grafted granules with the new bone from the patient…
Do you want to know more? > Download the clinical case