Use of equine origin bone substitutes and pericardium membrane to restore peri-implant volumes.
The case concerns a 55-year-old female patient who presented with bleeding and pain when performing oral hygiene at the peri-implant soft tissues in position 3.6 and 3.7. The endoral X-ray revealed the presence of two peri-implant resorption cones, which led to the peri- implantitis diagnosis and to drawing up a treatment plan including peri-implant bone regeneration, using a bone graft in granules (Bioteck) and Heart pericardium membrane (Bioteck), both of equine origin. Twelve months after the procedure, the X-ray showed the implant bodies were completely inserted in the regenerated crestal bone. Probing was physiological and less than 4 mm. The patient did not report any spontaneous or evoked symptoms and no soft tissue damage was observed.
PRODUCTS USED: Granules Mix, Heart Pericardium Membrane