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Published BASB


Combination of heterologous equine collagen-preserved grafts and platelet derivatives

BASB | Lettera del direttore

Today we point your attention to two articles, a case report and a retrospective study, in which collagen-preserved equine bone grafts (Osteoxenon®) were combined with two different autologous derivatives, L-PRF and PRGF, respectively. The case report published in the international journal "Medicine" (Mauceri et al., 2021) concerned the bone regeneration of a severe alveolar defect of about 2 cm in diameter and treated by L-PRF block obtained by combining collagen-preserved equine bone (Osteoxenon®) with L-PRF. Instead, the retrospective study published in the "International Journal of Implant Dentistry" (Di Stefano et al., 2021) involved 11 patients who underwent lateral sinus lift by PRGF combined with collagen-preserved equine bone (Osteoxenon®). In both studies, the combination of autologous derivatives was safe. In addition, histological analyses showed that L-PRF block...


Apposition surgery using equine-derived block grafts

BASB | Lettera del direttore

Today we present a case series of 24 edentulous patients treated with equine-derived block bone grafts and published in the journal "Symmetry". Bioteck block grafts have both collagen and mineral components preserved, due to the enzyme-based deantigenation process from which they are obtained. This makes them resistant at the mechanical level, while at the biological level they are recognized physiologically by cells devoted to bone remodeling. In this study, patients were divided into 3 groups: group 1 treated with block graft alone, group 2 treated with block graft and bone marrow concentrate, and group 3 treated with block graft combined with oxygen therapy. In each group, successful implant rehabilitation was performed at 6 months and a bone biopsy was harvested at the same time and evaluated histologically. The analysis showed that...


Hydrolyzed Collagen, A New Infiltrative Approach: Sharing Opinions

BASB | Lettera del direttore

Today we propose an interesting collection of opinions of doctors who practice infiltrations, related to different specializations, and having gained experience in the use of hydrolyzed collagen in its various indications of use. Hydrolyzed collagen is becoming established in the infiltration field as an innovative approach compared to more traditional products, being successfully used for the treatment of pain symptoms, loss of function of joints and musculo-tendinous and ligamentous structures. The article was published on the monthly magazine Tabloid of Orthopaedics and on its online version,

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