
Editorial Bioteck
19 April 2024
Use of a new collagen hydrogel in the treatment of peri-implant mucositis: a case report
Today we present an interesting case report published in the April issue of “Hygiene Tribune” Italian Journal about a female patient with peri-implant mucositis who was treated with H42®, the new collagen hydrogel in syringe from Bioteck.
H42® is applied in the non-surgical treatment of periodontal and peri-implant pockets following mechanical site cleaning.
It is well documented in the literature that mucositis can be the stage preceding peri-implantitis disease. Here, then, H42® acts by sealing the pocket, preventing any re-infection while promoting the natural healing of the gingival tissues, preventing the progression of mucositis.
Due to its unique composition of type I collagen, resorbable polymers and ancillary amounts of vitamin C, H42® has an optimal rheology that allows it to adapt to the geometry of any pocket.
This case report shows how H42® reduces pocket depth and accelerates soft tissue healing…
> Click here to download the article
If you would like to learn more and you attend Expodental Rimini, come to Dr. Marisa Roncati’s lecture on Saturday, May 18, 2 p.m. – HALL VOLTA – PAVILLION A3