He has been in dentistry field for more than thirty years, now dedicating himself exclusively to dental surgery, implantoprosthesis and preimplant reconstructive techniques. He works in two Milanese avant-garde realities: the Civic Dental and Prosthetic Centre and the Centre of Dental Dentistry and Dentalnarco Dental Dental Dentistry and Stomatology.
He has numerous collaborations in various Italian universities. He currently teaches Dental Surgery at the University Vita-Salute San Raffaele in Milan.
Promoter of numerous initiatives that over the years have contributed to the progress of the dental sector, Di Stefano integrates his clinical activity with his participation in national and international congresses as a speaker. He has personally founded and coordinated scientific journals that have established themselves as a reference in the sector, such as the “Giornale dell’Odontoiatra”, “Italian Oral Surgery” and “Implantologia Orale”. Every year he is the author of new scientific publications, he is the author of well-known specialist texts, published by the most eminent publishing houses (Elsevier, Utet).
Sensitive promoter of scientific-cultural initiatives, since 1990 he has been advisor of the Cenacolo Odontostomatologico Milanese of which he was president for six years. He is an active member and president of the IAO (Italian Academy of Osseointegration), member and member of the Scientific Commission of the Italian Society of Dental Surgery for the two-year period 2018-2019, Honorary Member of S.I.S.C.O.O. and member of the European Board of Oral Surgery.
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