
Editorial Bioteck
5 June 2024
Peri-implant GBR with resorbable membrane and equine bone grafts
Today we bring you a clinical case performed by Dr. Haider Alalawy (Iraq), in which a patient, following stage 4 periodontitis of the right incisor, required extraction of the element and subsequent prosthesis.
Following the history, the surgeon opted for early implant rehabilitation.
Concurrently with implant placement, a GBR was performed using hydrolyzed collagen equine bone (Bio-Gen®) mixed with autologous bone and protected with an equine collagen membrane (Biocollagen®).
Bio-gen® syringe granules are produced by the Zymo-Teck® enzymatic process and consist of a 1:1 mixture of cortical-cancellous granules hydrated in an aqueous-based gel, which allows adhesion and prevents dispersion.
Bio-gen® syringe granules completely remodel with the patient’s bone in physiological time. This is definitely an advantage in implant rehabilitation because at the end of remodeling, the implant will be in contact with vital patient bone.
The surgery was completed with mucogingival surgery techniques to resolve a gingival recession on the adjacent canine. At 18 months of follow-up…