Editorial Bioteck
15 July 2024
GBR of a three-dimensional defect by means of Flex Cortical Sheet and preserved collagen granules
Today’s clinical case involves a 70-year-old patient who required extraction of element 2.1 and subsequent implant rehabilitation.
However, analysis by CBCT showed a three-dimensional defect that required GBR and thus deferred implant placement.
Three-dimensional GBR was performed using collagen-preserved equine-derived granules (Osteoxenon®, Mix Granules) protected by a 0.9-mm-thick flexible cortical bone sheet (Osteoxenon® Flex Cortical Sheet).
Bioteck grafts have both the collagen and mineral component preserved, thanks to the enzyme-based deantigenation process from which they are obtained (Zymo-Teck®), and fully remodel with the patient’s bone.
In addition, the Flex Cortical Sheet undergoes a process of partial demineralization that exposes bone collagen, allowing the sheet to become flexible once hydrated with saline or in situ with biological fluids.
Upon reopening at 6 months, an important volumetric increase and perfect remodeling of the bone grafts was observed …